The Inverness Association and Inverness Foundation
draft Meeting Agenda for meeting at The Gables and ZOOM
7 PM: April 26, 2023
Zoom credentials will be prepared in advance of the meeting and provided to committee members and the Board. Guests, please write or text: or 415 302 0852 for credentials
Open Time for Public Comment: 5 minutes
Approve: AGENDA (additions/corrections)
1. Short Term Rentals: Review and discuss the results of the IA’s survey on Short Term Rentals. If there is sufficient information from the survey, a position statement might be in order.
2. Nominations to the Board: Carmen Violich-Goodin
3. Bagpiper: Farewell Kathy and Tom issue
4. Annual Meeting: June 10, 2023 at the Inverness Yacht Club (date and IYC are not confirmed as of yet)
Inverness Foundation
1. Minutes: See minutes sent after last meeting in 2023 – to be sent again separately
2. Reports:
a. JMM – Andrew - 5 minutes
b. Budget Report - Courtney 20 minutes
c. Trails and Bridges – Tom 10 minutes
i. Discuss any needs for trail work by contractors, etc.
d. Buildings: Kathy – Gables 5 minutes i. update on book box, railing repairs, motion activation lights, water heater & furnace repairs, fence replacement
e. Membership renewal status: Dinelle
i. computer program update/upgrade, possible hiring of contractor to assist
3. Insurance: Cancellation of current policy, urgent need to replace
4. Acacia removal between Tennis Courts and SFD
5. Tomales Bay Watershed activities by various organizations: Woody Elliott 10 minutes
6. Inverness Firewise and Fire Hardening – Jerry 10 minutes
7. Committee leadership/participation reminder from last year: Trails and Bridges – Tom Gaman & John Longstreth; Website – Angela Whitney; JMM – Andrew Buckingham; Membership Chair (database/payments) – Dinelle Abram; Fire Committee – Jerry Meral; Membership(recruitment) – Bill Barrett, Alex Porrata; Inverness Fair – Alex Porrata, Angela Whitney; Secretary: Angela Whitney. Rep to Coastal Communities: Bill Barrett; Tomales Bay Watershed…groups: Woody Elliott;
Prepared by William Barrett, 04/23/23