Mission Statements of Inverness Association
The purposes of the Association are:
to maintain and preserve the environment and natural beauty of the Inverness area, Tomales Bay and its watershed,
to take such initiatives and to support such endeavors as will strengthen and support the wellbeing of the Inverness community, and
to provide recreational facilities for the benefit of the children of the area.
To these ends, the Association shall:
provide a forum for issues of community concern,
provide relevant information via its newsletter and website,
communicate local concerns to relevant authorities, including the County of Marin,
advocate for the values expressed above,
hold an annual Fair and other events bringing together the local community.
to collect, preserve and share with the public, the historical resources
of West Marin.
acquire and hold real property in the Inverness area, and
create and maintain the trails, bridges, parks and beaches in its control.
support the work of the Jack Mason Museum of West Marin History.